
Showing posts from July, 2019

Introduction to KTM Scripting

Prerequisites  for KTM Scripting and  Overview  of KTM Scripting Prerequisites  of KTM Scripting: Need good working knowledge about Kofax capture and KTM the region for that is should have experience on Kofax Project builder in KTM for KTM Script Editor. In addition that probably most important as logical mind and technical aptitude should be added advantage for developing KTM Scripts Programming experience may be helpful but not required. Purpose of Scripting: The basic purpose of scripting is to accommodate a need not already met by KTM using available out-of-the-box methods. KTM is the powerful tool; It should include all the methods and functions. Whenever you can do what’s required using built-in KTM functions, you should do so! No scripting required! But sometimes, however, customization might be required. Before you decide that customization is necessary, you need to have a crystal-clear understanding of what needs to be done, which is goin...

Kofax Kapow (RPA)

In this blog I will explain Introduction and Prerequisites of Kofax kapow What is kapow ? What does it do ? Kofax Kapow is a platform for application integration and process automation means it provides automated integration of structured and unstructured data from almost any data source including web interfaces, databases, spreadsheets, desktop applications and others. A Robot automates user-tasks or data integration workflow. product overview Describe and comprehend the software's basic components and architecture including: RoboServer Management Console Design Studio Robots Kapplets Device Automation Agent Prerequisites of kofax kapow: To get the most out of this kofax kapow, you should have ... Some java script coding experience in the past that might be help full. It not absolutely necessary but this is a java based program. Be able to read and interpret HTML and javascript code. Some experence with XML, JSON and AJAX would also be helpful....

Kofax Capture and Kofax Transformation Modules

Kofax Capture and Kofax Transformation Modules Classifying large volumes of documents and accurately extracting information from them is no small task. And it’s certainly not a task that can be adequately handled through manual processes that are slow, error-prone and expensive. Kofax Transformation automates and accelerates document processing, making it possible to reduce labor costs, increase productivity and push document processing speed and accuracy to their optimal states. What is information capture? Information capture enables organizations to overcome the challenges of labor intensive processes by capturing all types of content for automatic classification, separation, extraction, validation and delivery into enterprise applications, business processes, repositories and dynamic case management. Paper documents can be captured using scanners, digital copiers and MFP’s, and the resulting image “perfected” to improve subsequent processing and usability. Electronic...